Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Finally! A little about me....

I finally did it! After what seems like years of contemplation, I finally just said "I'm going to start a blog." Lets just hope I stick to it, as I am known for starting a project and not wanting to finish (I know. Such a horrible habit.)

I got married approximately 3 months, 2 weeks, and 1 day ago but who's counting? I married a wonderful man. He is my best friend and really great at being a husband. What is that you asked? Is that me in the picture on the top of my blog? You know it! I had such a great time at my wedding and truly wish we can relive that moment once a month. But more about that later.

I work in corporate America. Sometimes I love it. Sometimes I don't. I'm thankful and grateful to have a job with great benefits at such a time like this. So no complaints. God is very Good to me.

I have a great family and really awesome friends. I really truly do feel blessed and lucky to have a great support system.
I leave you with a few photos of myself and the hubbs.

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